China's Masterbatch Industry Retrospect and Prospect in Financial Crisis 金融危机下的中国色母粒行业发展回顾与展望
Reflections on 60 years development of government health investment and total health expenditure accounting in China: retrospect and prospect 建国60年政府卫生投入和卫生总费用核算的回顾与展望
The Retrospect and Prospect of Judge-Advisor System Model 决策者-建议者系统模型的回顾与前瞻
Retrospect and Prospect of antirust strippable plastic 防锈溶剂型可剥性塑料的研究现状与展望
The retrospect and Prospect of researches on Jilin provincial comprehensive agricultural regionalization 吉林省综合农业区划研究的回顾与展望
Retrospect and Prospect of the Studies of Economic History in Modern China since the Reform and Opening-up 改革开放以来中国近代经济史研究的回眸与前瞻
The Retrospect and Prospect of Research on the Phenomenon of the Zhuang Identify with Han-descendant 壮族认同汉裔现象研究回顾与展望
A Review of Studies from Mainland China on Overseas Chinese: Retrospect and Prospect 回顾与展望:中国大陆华侨华人研究述评
From Transition to the Basic Strategy: Retrospect and Prospect of China's Education Policy for Studying Abroad 从过渡舟楫到基本方略&新时期我国留学政策的回顾与展望
Retrospect and Prospect on Mongolian Comparative Literature Studies 改革开放三十年蒙古比较文学研究的回顾与展望
A Decade of MPA Education in China: Retrospect and Prospect 中国MPA教育:十年总结与未来展望
Thirty years of development of Chinese vulnerable children education: retrospect and prospect 中国弱势儿童教育发展三十年:回顾与前瞻
The Retrospect and Prospect of Research on the Foreign Language Learning Strategies in Past Ten Years in China 对我国近十年外语学习策略研究的调查和展望
A Retrospect and Prospect of Theoretical Research on the Translation of Ancient Chinese Poetry 汉语古诗词英译理论研究的现状与展望
China's Religions: Retrospect and Prospect 中国宗教的百年回顾与前瞻
From Cognitive Neuroscience to Brain-based Education: Retrospect and Prospect 从认知神经科学到基于脑的教育:回顾与展望
Retrospect and Prospect of the Study on the Loss and Return of the Chinese Cultural Relics 中国文物的流失与回归问题研究的回顾与前瞻
The "Renaissance of Aesthetics" and the New Ways of Doing Aesthetics: Retrospect and Prospect of the 60 year Aesthetics Development in the New China 美学的复兴与新的做美学的方式&兼论新中国60年美学的发展与未来
Retrospect and Prospect: China's 30-Year Reform of the Management System for State-owned Assets 中国国有资产管理体制改革30年经验回顾与展望
Retrospect and Prospect of china's lawyer system development 中国律师制度发展历程的回顾与展望
Retrospect and Prospect: the Civil Law and Market Economy in China since Reform and Opening up 回顾与展望:中国民法与市场经济建设30年
Individual Security Study: Retrospect and Prospect& The Confusion of Modernity and the Renewal of Sociological Theory 个体安全研究:回顾与展望&现代性的迷局与社会学理论的更新
Retrospect and Prospect for the Studies of Atmospheric Environment in the Lanzhou Area 兰州地区大气环境研究的回顾与展望
A Retrospect and Prospect of the Research on the Design of Evaluation Plan for the Training Effect of Enterprise 企业培训效果评估方案设计研究的回顾与展望
Curriculum Construction of Structural Mechanics: Retrospect and Prospect 结构力学精品课程建设成果回顾与展望
The Retrospect and Prospect of Teaching Reform Research on Communication Subject in University 传播学专业本科教学改革研究回顾与前瞻
The Retrospect and Prospect of Beijing Olympics and Its Economic Effect after Olympics 北京奥运会的回顾与展望&兼谈北京奥运经济及后奥运问题
Study Review about Foreign Network Virtual Tourism: Retrospect and Prospect 国外网络虚拟旅游研究述评:回顾与展望
Inter-Regional Communication of Legal Culture in China: Retrospect and Prospect 我国区际法律文化交流的回顾与展望
Retrospect and prospect of the thirty years of reforms on the employment system 劳动就业制度改革三十年回顾与展望